

Building a Module

Before we continue, there are things that must be considered before building a module:

  • Do not use the Mochi name in a way that it would make the average user think you are associated with the project.
  • You can use the name Mochi only for compatibility purposes, e.g. "X for Mochi".
  • TBA

In summary, you should only build modules for the content you own.

With that out of the way, you can start building modules!


Each of these tools will help you developing a module:

  • @mochiapp/cli: A cli tool used to create, build, and bundle modules into repositories. This is the main helper tool used for building modules.
  • @mochiapp/js: A JavaScript/TypeScript bindings library which interact with Apple devices and JavaScript. There are documentations to how the module is supposed to implement each method.
  • @mochiapp/runner: A test runner used to debug Mochi modules using Node's API.


Modules are built using TypeScript/JavaScript. All the files within a module are then bundled into one single .js file.

The module is then executed in the app using JavaScriptCore, which only has basic JavaScript APIs. This means that no WebKit APIs work, except for console logger.


The structure of a repository follows a typical TypeScript Library:

├── src
│   ├── module-1
│   │   └── index.ts
│   └── module-2
│       └── index.ts
├── index.ts (repository metadata in the root folder)
├── package.json
└── .gitignore

Each module folder must have a file name called index.ts, and within the file it must export a default class that extends SourceModule. Each SourceModule class can implement none to all of the following types:

  • VideoContent
  • ImageContent (WIP)
  • TextContent (WIP)

In the parent directory, there must be an index.ts file that has a RepoMetadata exported by default.


Each module directory is then bundled into one single .js file. Using @mochiapp/cli, you can bundle the modules and build a repository.


If you are having issues with building a repository, modules, or even want to request new features, feel free to create a pull request on GitHub, or join the Discord server for any additional support.